Extinct Flower Rediscovered In Hawaii Via Drones

For decades, researchers from the Kaua’i-based National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG) accessed these cliffs by hiking along treacherous ridgelines and rappelling down vertical cliff faces, scouring each nook and cranny for rare native plants. “Over the last few decades botanists at the NTBG have discovered 11 plant species new to science around the rugged Kalalau cliffs of Kaua’i,” says NTBG research biologist Kenneth R. Wood. The recent drone rediscovery of H. woodii leaves scientists excited about the potential for this technology to find new species—and rediscover ones thought to be extinct—in even the most remote and treacherous areas.

Source: www.nationalgeographic.com

Extinct Flower Rediscovered In Hawaii Via Drones


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