Could robots make us better humans?

This is the starting point for his new book, The Creativity Code, a lucid, endlessly interesting exploration of what AI may mean for maths, the arts and even our understanding of what it is to be human. In Du Sautoy’s field of maths, it held out the prospect of AI moving beyond dull, if complex, number crunching, into the kind of quintessentially human activities that define how the subject works: strategising, discriminating and “making choices about the interesting pathways to take”. Du Sautoy also looks at AI-generated art, and programs that have come up with superficially convincing works based on the techniques of such old masters as Rembrandt (“a horrible, tasteless, insensitive and soulless travesty of all that is creative in human nature”, reckoned Guardian art critic, Jonathan Jones).


Could robots make us better humans?


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