This Drug Can Stop Mothers Bleeding To Death In Childbirth — So Why Can’t More Women Get It?
While around 6% of women giving birth all over the world — in rich and poor countries alike — develop postpartum hemorrhage, 99% of deaths from it occur in low- and middle-income countries. In March 2010, Shakur-Still and Roberts launched the WOMAN (World Maternal Antifibrinolytic) trial, working in 21 countries to test whether tranexamic acid might similarly reduce deaths from postpartum hemorrhage. The double-blinded trial enrolled 20,000 women with postpartum hemorrhage, randomly assigning them to receive either 1 gram of intravenous tranexamic acid, or a matching placebo, in addition to usual care — which would typically consist of uterine massage, one or more of the drugs aimed at helping the uterus contract, or surgery.