You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep—and It’s Killing You

It’s fast becoming one of the greatest challenges we face in the 21st century,” Walker, an expert in sleep at UC Berkeley and author of the best-selling book Why We Sleep, told a rapt TED audience on Thursday. After a morning of bleak talks on climate change and the harm of viral misinformation online—punctuated by frequent exclamations of “Well, that was alarming” by TED science curator David Biello, and stolen glances at Twitter for updates on the Mueller report and the happenings in the outside world—Walker’s talk felt like a jolt of caffeine to a weary system. After Walker’s talk, he was mobbed by acolytes in the conference center desperate to tell him how much his book—which covers the same topic as his TED talk—changed their lives, how they’d given up caffeine and alcohol and stopped feeling bad for leaving parties early to get sleep or refusing to look at work emails in bed.


You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep—and It’s Killing You


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