Inside The Global Scavenger Hunt To Beat The ‘Antibiotic Apocalypse’

Inside the Global Scavenger Hunt to Beat the ‘Antibiotic Apocalypse’
Faced with a looming crisis, scientists are testing lizard blood, climbing mountains, and digging up graves
It’s said that for nearly 200 years, residents of a small rural area in Northern Ireland called Boho (pronounced “bo”), have practiced a strange and solemn pilgrimage to a local chapel. Over time, bacteria naturally evolve resistance to pharmaceutical antibiotics, but we have exacerbated the problem by overprescribing those antibiotics, both in human medicine and by giving the same drugs to animals. But for researchers, it is the hope of a new drug, a new class of antibiotics, that has them excited.


Inside The Global Scavenger Hunt To Beat The ‘Antibiotic Apocalypse’


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